land developement
Land development is a multi-step and multi-faceted process.
From the pre-development meeting with site inspectors, obtaining the 7-day letter to installing street signs and light as well as posting the maintenance and performance bonds to obtain a final plat- Total Property Advisors can handle all your needs.
Sean Randall and TPA have a proven track record of profitably managing 12+ land development projects in various stages whether raw land or partially developed lots and bringing each to a timely final plat. Our “value engineer” plans are based upon contractor input, focusing on ways to improve each facet of the development process
Obtain bids on all elements of the approved LDP plans
TPA selects the best contractors with a constant focus on 3 major criteria: price, quality & service
Manage the overall development process
APPROVE INVOICES AND monitor for compliance versus the approved budget
Generate final plat